still can not believe. Despite losing the last game, without any merit, at home against Atalanta, Cagliari the championship I was amazed and excited at the same time. After 5 races were to be lost at first I thought a hard and difficult season. That is to say we lost while showing a good football since the first day but you know, when results do not reach the square murmurs and a president like ours I expected the exemption Allegri. Fortunately Cellino has a view of long, long, and he confirmed that once the coach of Livorno to square the circle, and a bit of luck, he inannellato an enviable score. The victory in Turin, the first in the league, came with luck and determination. Then the victory against Chievo at Sant'Elia we started our real championship. Fine evidence of Genoa and Catania despite two defeats so far for two to one, punctuated by goleada housewife (5a1) in Bologna. Then four races without defeat, winning with Fiorentina, Sampdoria and Palermo, all in the house with the bomber Acquafresca on shields, the 2-2 draw in Naples for how he got was one of the most exciting of the season. Still Daniele Conti, great year, scouring the 93rd Neapolitan fans as last year at home, and it makes no difference per noi tifosi del Cagliari se l'anno scorso furono 3 punti in casa e quest'anno solo uno al S. Paolo. E' importante dire che in 2 anni il Napoli, acerrima rivale, non ci batte nè in casa loro nè tantomeno in casa nostra, e cosi sarà anche il 19 Aprile per la gara di ritorno (sono pronto a scommettere!). La gara di Roma contro i giallorossi è stata una delle più belle giocate dal Cagliari e sinceramente meritavamo almeno il pari, per non dire di più. Queste gare mi hanno fatto ricredere su Allegri e sulle motivazioni della squadra; tutti pronti a sacrificarsi, Biondini e Conti da Nazionale, capitan Lopez leader della difesa, Bianco e Agostini costanti e affidabili. Sorprese Marchetti (che campionato!) e Matheu (riserva di sicuro expectations). Finally, three players Sardinian key players and immovable 's eleven titles, and I talk about Pisano, Cossu and Fini, the pioneers of the Sardinian football at the highest level of Italian football. To commend Andrea Cossu, former leader last year, just back from C2, sorry Pro League Second Division, and even more this year in which he has found his position on the pitch, midfielder's movement, marking the time of 'attack and is always ready to help comrades in distress. Valuable contribution in the area assists, six pitches. Fini and Pisano do their jobs every race, with the 35 year-old Sorso that he took also the satisfaction of some goals. Conti dazzling director of the gritty midfield three is dominating in the middle of the field and deserves the national team (I invite you to look at the goals of the momentary equilibrium in Rome). Jeda Acquafresca Matri are the attackers and that any coach would want: fighting, pressed, mark and help the team not to say too much. In short, the team turns to wonder who takes over and is always reliable and tries to make the colors rossoblù. The match with the 'Inter is a dream for me was broken by the opportunity to Ibrahimovic in the final. We deserved the three points even if it is true that we have wasted too, if you scored the goal of doubling would be over them; patience, needless recrimination, the fun was yet to come ... At home with the beautiful Udinese 2-0 victory, and Biondini Conti success after signing a one-man fabulous performance. And 'the beginning of an exciting streak: Olimpico against Lazio 4-1 for the rossoblùs (double Jeda, Acquafresca and Matri penalty spot in a wonderful twist dip); Siena Cagliari 1-0 (Acquafresca robbery), despite barricades rossoblù former coach Giampaolo; Juventus Cagliari is the masterpiece of the year and Allegri. Us all 'Olimpico in Turin with a team offensive and brazen. We play much better than Juventino but after the advantage of Biondini (the match in Turin), the Bianconeri overturn the result of the first half ended 2-1 to Juve. In 'Fini range outside and inside Lazzari, we play with a team clearly in front-wheel drive and this is what allows us to di sbancare la tana della Juve. 3-2 il finale per noi con i gol in contropiede di Jeda e Matri che ci fanno esplodere di gioia. Con questa vittoria siamo a meno 6 dal Genoa, quarto in campionato dietro le grandi e zona Uefa a portata di mano, un sogno! La già citata sconfitta casalinga con l'Atalanta, immeritata e fortunosa per i nerazzurri bergamaschi, non cambia le carte in tavola, siamo li a 34 punti, con 38-40 si è salvi poi quello che verrà verrà. Il mio sogno è rivedere il Cagliari in Europa perchè della campagna europea del 94-95 ho pochi ma bellissimi ricordi e vorrei rinfrescarmi la memoria magari con gesta ancora più eroiche. Ora abbiamo Lecce in casa, Milan a Milano e Torino al Sant'Elia. In queste tre gare dobbiamo fare i 6 points necessary to salvation so safe then we will have 12 games to try to achieve a dream ... thanks to clubs, players and coach for all they are doing. We fans are always with you.
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