Thursday, May 29, 2008

Womens Girdles For Man


Il Coordinamento provinciale Acqua Pubblica è fortemente indignato per le affermazioni rilasciate dal Presidente della Provincia Scalia e dal signor Antonello Antonellis, membro della Consulta d’ambito, in difesa dell’Acea Ato 5 spa. Questa gestione in realtà li vede corresponsabili delle macroscopiche inadempienze contrattuali, e della inosservanza delle leggi e delle normative inerenti il servizio Integrated water.

These gentlemen, instead of answering the specific context of the Regional Supervisor and particularly about the illegality of the tariffs applied retroactively, tariffs approved by them in favor of Acea, instead of explaining why they did not always default to put in place the operator to protect citizens, as was their duty and as stated by the technical, not have anything better to do but try to curb the broad protest movement that increasingly makes its way among citizens and among the directors .

President Scalia and Mr. Antonellis Antonello, a member of the council of area, should ask apologize to the citizens because the consequences for what they did not have endured the same in terms of hardship, rising costs, a total lack of transparency and of low quality and inefficiency of the service.

laughable and unacceptable statements about investments: Scalia publicly challenged the President to say what would be the investment of which you speak. In the first five years since the advent of ACEA ATO 5, was to undertake 25% of the total investment under the plan, creating works for that entity economic .... only the President Scalia has seen them ... ..

desperate attempt to intimidate administrators fearing non-existent penalties for termination of the contract: Acea is that it should pay damages caused to citizens and municipalities.

Provincial Coordination for Public Water


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