Saturday, December 22, 2007

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The Liri Valley Circle meets the top five ATO

Il giorno 19 Dicembre si è tenuto l'incontro tra il Presidente del Circolo Legambiente Valle del Liri di Sora, Daniele Conflitti, e i massimi rappresentanti dell’ ACEA ATO5 : l’ Amministratore Delegato Luca Matrecano, il Direttore Generale Stefano Tempesta, e lo staff dei Responsabili Tecnici.
L' oggetto dell’incontro è stato quello di trovare una possibile and realistic solution, at very short notice, to solve the problem of lack of water at Sora. Legambiente gave voice to all the right grievances of citizens against Sorani Manager who is mobilized to fulfill our requirements identified the following actions to limit the disruption and to maximize water redistribution:

1. connection inside the tank to feed Ravo, part of the users of the water system is currently supplied from the reservoir of S. Antonio Forletta. The operation is executed immediately;

2. interconnection network of water distribution between the tanks and Ravo S. Antonio Forletta and construction of the raise. This intervention will give the possibility to optimize the distribution and supply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe city center;

3. consequences will be taken all steps to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources currently available through optimization of the closure of tanks and cutting maneuvers networks;

4. losses continue research activities both in artifacts and well network to detect hidden leaks. Activities that led to a recovery in the last period of approximately 8 l \\ s.

5. Installation of the Frangi jet in all public places and schools, this system saves about 40% water that comes from the taps.

The manager reiterated that the current water crisis is leading to a reduction in the territory of Sora about 50% of the capacity of water resources (wells Carpello currently provide about 125 l \\ s of water compared to 240 in rated conditions.
Such statements have been signed by the CEO but for obtaining more information on status of the wells that feed the water supply has been asked to participate in an inspection on the well Legambiente Carpello to establish if the water shortage is actually so important.
Legambiente however careful to point out that even in of drought, water is always present at Sora and then this situation is also due to the poor state of pipelines.
Respondents were asked the Investment Plan for the recovery of losses and Sora has found that in 2007 approximately € 1,063,000 was spent between work done, and assigned to be carried out.
"At the end of it, says Daniel Conflict-I want to emphasize that the meeting was done, although demonstrating the will of the manager to solve the problems that weigh on Sora, I was not satisfied and fully convinced, I will not be quiet until I am certain that at every house there is clean drinking water in every hour of the day and night. The application of jet Frangi on public taps is very important and will avoid further waste but interventions are a priority throughout the network. We will continue our campaign of awareness and information to citizens while maintaining the goal as full and final resolution of the problem. "


The Pres Club Legambiente "Liri Valley"

Daniel Conflicts

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On 19 December the meeting was held between the President of the Legambiente Valle del Liri di Sora, Daniele Conflitti, e i massimi rappresentanti dell’ ACEA ATO5 : l’ Amministratore Delegato Luca Matrecano, il Direttore Generale Stefano Tempesta, e lo staff dei Responsabili Tecnici.
L' oggetto dell’incontro è stato quello di trovare una possibile e realistica soluzione, a brevissimo termine, per risolvere il problema della mancanza d’acqua a Sora. Legambiente ha dato voce a tutte le giuste rimostranze dei cittadini sorani nei confronti del Gestore che si è mobilitato per assolvere alle nostre richieste individuando i seguenti interventi per limitare il disservizio e per ottimizzare la ridistribuzione idrica:

1. connection inside the tank to feed Ravo, part of the users of the water system is currently supplied from the reservoir of S. Antonio Forletta. The operation is executed immediately;

2. interconnection network of water distribution between the tanks and Ravo S. Antonio Forletta and construction of the raise. This intervention will give the possibility to optimize the distribution and supply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe city center;

3. consequences will be taken all steps to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources currently available through optimization of the closure of tanks and cutting maneuvers networks;

4. losses continue research activities both in artifacts and well network to detect hidden leaks. Activities that led to a recovery in the last period of approximately 8 l \\ s.

5. Installation of the Frangi jet in tutti i locali pubblici e nelle scuole, tale impianto permette di risparmiare circa il 40 % dell’acqua che esce dai rubinetti.

Il gestore ha ribadito che l'attuale crisi idrica sta comportando per il territorio di Sora una riduzione di circa il 50% della portata della risorsa idrica( attualmente i pozzi di Carpello forniscono circa 125 l\s di acqua rispetto ai 240 in condizione di regime".
Tale affermazioni sono state sottoscritte dall’Amministratore Delegato ma per aver maggiori chiarimenti sullo stato dei pozzi che alimentano la rete idrica è stato chiesto di far partecipare anche Legambiente ad un sopralluogo sul pozzo Carpello to see if water shortage is actually so important.
Legambiente however careful to point out that even in drought conditions, water is always present at Sora and then this situation is also due to the poor state of pipelines.
were asked the Investment Plan for the recovery of losses and Sora has found that in 2007 approximately € 1,063,000 was spent between work done, and assigned to be carried out.
"At the end of it, says Daniel Conflict-I want to emphasize that the meeting was done, although demonstrating the will to solve the Manager problemi che gravano su Sora, non mi ha soddisfatto e convinto appieno, non sarò tranquillo fin quando non avrò la certezza che in ogni casa ci sia acqua pulita e potabile in ogni ora della giornata e delle nottata. L’applicazione del Frangi getto sui rubinetti pubblici è molto importante e permetterà di evitare ulteriori sprechi ma gli interventi sulla rete sono prioritari su tutto. Continueremo nella nostra campagna di sensibilizzazione e di informazione verso i cittadini mantenendo come obbiettivo la piena e definitiva risoluzione del problema.”

Cordiali saluti

The Pres Club Legambiente "Liri Valley"
Daniel Conflicts

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Exposed to Water Supervisor of Lazio

the undersigned Daniel Conflicts, CF CNFDNL80M31I838Y, born in Sora, and business address at Via Branca No 6, as President and legal representative of the Legambiente Liri Valley, states as follows:

for almost two months the flow of water in domestic dwellings in some areas of the town of Sora, does not exist for the Most the day and in some areas, Old Town, close to zero from 9:00 am to 22:00 pm.

The hours in which citizens can make use of the water service has been reduced further in recent days as the pressure was further reduced flow.

This situation has been exposed to us through the printed map, receiving as justification for such failure, the necessary rationalization of water flow, caused by low water flow of the springs.

Since communication ACEA ATO 5 was neither quotation, or clarification about the current situation, given the continuing that state of emergency, since there are hundreds of people to suffer, because there are areas (in the same town of the writer), in which this rationalization is not made :


want to investigate the actual compliance:

· and fulfillments of the requirements of this guideline Technical adopted by ACEA ATO 5;

· delle tariffe applicate alla bollettazione;

· della Convenzione sottoscritta con il Comune di Sora per la gestione del servizio idrico integrato;

· del Codice Etico della già citata società.


The Pres Club Legambiente "Liri Valley"

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EVENT December 1, 2007

Il Circolo Legambiente Valle del Liri Sora, will disclose the fact that, on 1 December 2007, issued a public event for the privatization of water services and the inefficiency of the current manager. The program of this event includes a parade starting at 15:00 from Independence Square, Sora (FR), and the distance of the course Volsci.

For too many days Sorani citizens are forced to suffer the consequences of mismanagement of water supplies, such failure deprives us of the good every day more dear to us and that is essential to the commodified like any commercial product.

With the spirit that characterizes Legambiente and that is explicit in the "think globally and act locally", we mean just that state of affairs, we are no longer willing to wait for nor to be patient.

The deadlines that the water manager is committed to respect, are similar and yet have failed a venire a capo di una situazione che rischia di diventare ancora più critica.

Per questo abbiamo indetto tale manifestazione; per dare voce a tutti i sorani, per chiarire che per noi l’acqua è un bene pubblico e tale deve tornare ad essere, per dare evidenza di quante persone siano penalizzate dal disservizio, per far capire che, a Sora, non saremo più disposti a subire passivamente le decisioni dell’ACEA ATO 5 .

Invitiamo quindi tutti gli interessati a partecipare sperando che Sora ci sostenga in questa importante giornata,tutti noi abbiamo il dovere di lasciare ai nostri figli un mondo migliore di quello che abbiamo trovato.

Cordiali saluti

Il Presidente Daniele Conflitti

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Nel mondo, un miliardo e 400 milioni di persone del pianeta non hanno accesso all’acqua potabile.

E’ chiaro, quindi, che la principale fonte di vita dell’umanità si sta trasformando in una risorsa strategica vitale.

Quanto segue è un elenco riduttivo delle inadempienze del gestore ACEA ATO5 S.p.A. rispetto al disciplinare tecnico (D.T.) sottoscritto ed allegato alla convenzione. [...]

1) il singolo utente non ha ricevuto, alcuna informazione degli aumenti della tariffa e delle cause che l’ hanno determinata;

2) a norma del capitolo 5.1 del D.T. il gestore avrebbe dovuto garantire una dotazione d’acqua potabile di almeno 150 l/g per abitante, con espressa citazione nel contratto di utenza, e, con riferimento ad un numero massimo di 5 persone per utenza (ovvero 750 l / g per user) . Why in the bill however, explicitly provides for the users of a domestic supply of 300 l / g?. SAY 'because, instead, in our bill actually provides just under half? and thus, so despite this there propina disruptions continued in the delivery?;

3) the operator would provide the utilities metering pursuant to Presidential Decree 10/23/1982;

4 ) the operator should have made at least two readings a year at the counters (Chapter 13 of DT) and proceed to the estimation of consumption only if it was not possible the direct detection ;

5) would allow ' self-reading and data transfer via telephone or computer (via internet) (Chapter 5.3 of the DT) is impossible because it was not immediately activated immediately or a call center and only these days (Communication of 18/10/2007 ) was activated a semblance of your Web site Moreover, the operator intends to entrust to an outside firm to service the lettura dei contatori, naturalmente con ulteriori aggravi di costi per gli utenti;

6) a norma del cap. 13.2 del D.T. ed entro 3 mesi dalla presa in carico del servizio avrebbe dovuto dotare il territorio di sportelli in modo da garantire una percorrenza massima agli utenti di non oltre 20 km; per qualunque servizio, non ultimo quello del pagamento delle bollette. San Donato dista ben oltre 20 km dallo sportello più vicino . Sempre per quello che riguarda i cittadini di San Donato è bene sapere che l’ACEA ATO5 S.p.A. undertook to open a shopping mall in the country. Today (November 2007) this has not happened.

7 ) the operator has not provided any information as required, to how to meter reading, the frequency of billing, the composition and Tariff changes and their causes, the performance of sewerage service and especially the purification as well as the procedures for submitting complaints ;

8) The operator then has absolutely made known, or not allowed to consult at a distance:





· SOPRATTUTTO IL REGISTRO DELLA QUALITA’ DELLE ACQUE AD USO POTABILE SEMESTRALE. Tenuto conto dell’attuale livello di perdite tale informazione è ovviamente fondamentale !!!!; Tutti questi registri dovevano e devono essere tenuti a livello informatico e liberamente consultabili.

9 ) Il Capitolo 6 del D.T. prescrive infatti che entro un anno dall’affidamento del servizio (dunque entro l’1.10.2004) il gestore avrebbe dovuto adeguare il MANUALE DI GESTIONE e in relazione a detto manuale:

· preparing the frequency plan LAB TESTS ;

· prepare and send to the municipalities of the Area and all competent authorities (paragraph 6.2) PLANS to




10) What is the status of implementation of investment? ;

11) By 31/01 of each year the operator was required to notify the SegreteriaTecnica hands of the Axis and the Regional Supervisor a staff report includes a number of indicators defined in the DT for the assessment of achievements and especially the extent and manner of recovery of losses, the efficiency and the spread of rete di monitoraggio telecontrollata della erogazione . Va evidenziato che l’ACEA le competenze e gli strumenti li possiede, basta riferirsi a quanto evidenziato recentemente a SUPERQUARK per la gestione del Comune di Roma. Perché nel nostro territorio nulla ancora è stato attivato?;


· Il cap. 32.3 del D.T. prevede risarcimenti agli utenti per disservizio o interruzione di servizio;

· chap. DT 33, provides that if the operator fails to comply with the deadline of the DT The ATO has the power to temporarily replace the manager;

· Under the cap. The DT 34 of the ATO has the right to terminate the contract with the operator when he has not put in place the service under the conditions laid down: that is for general service interruption to water supply or sewage disposal for longer than three days? .

CITY '- MANAGER Quote Variable fixed fee Amount of annual bill € / mc

Frosinone - ACEA ATO 5 245, 03 3.07 248.10 1.24

Latina - Acqualatina. 195.01 44.75 239.76 1.20

Rieti - SOGEA. 202.44 9.21 211.65 1.06

Rome - ACEA 11.19 171.63 182.83 0.91

Frosinone - ACEA ATO 5. 224.05 3.07 227.12 1.14

with household income up to € 9,296.22 / year

Latina - Acqualatina. 135,88 23,10 158,98 0,79

Abitazione di residenza, con reddito inferiore a 14.000 €

Nei documenti ufficiali resi pubblici dal Gruppo Acea (relazione trimestrale al 30/09/2006, consiglio di amministrazione del 13 novembre 2006) si afferma testualmente:

- (pag. 6 parlando di tutto il gruppo) l’andamento economico del periodo “risente dei maggiori ricavi (€ 3,8 milioni) derivanti dall’adeguamento della tariffa minima 2006 di Ato5 Frosinone” ;

- (pag. 21, nello specifico) “l’attività della Società ACEA Ato5 è iniziata nell’ultimo trimestre del 2003 e al 30 settembre 2006 registra un margine operativo lordo di € 1,3 milioni” ;

- (p. . 41, speaking of contingent assets and revenues of the whole group) " significant is the amount recorded by ACEA Ato5 (€ 1.114 million) as a result of actions taken by the Authority Setting of tariff with reference to Article (increases) 2005 "

- etc.. etc.. - Dear fellow citizens do not bisogna essere esperti di bilanci per capire che stiamo “pagando carissimo” cose che con il bene comune, acqua, non c’entrano niente !!!

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DECALOGUE Water saving

«Basta adottare alcuni semplici accorgimenti o soltanto variare alcuni nostri comportamenti, per ridurre sprechi e consumi e, conseguentemente, evitare salassi all’arrivo delle bollette».

Lo sostiene l’Ufficio Tutela del Consumatore del Comune di Catania che attraverso il Responsabile Francesco Tanasi intende sensibilizzare gli utenti ad un corretto utilizzo del bene primario per la sopravvivenza dell’umanità.

For these reasons, it was drawn up a set of guidelines, on which it begins by suggesting the use of water saving devices, such as flow regulators for taps for water or jet-which may even lead to a saving of 50 per cent of water.

There are also practical guidance, but simple to implement daily. Like, for example, use washing machines and dishwashers always fully loaded, turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, do you shave or shampoo.

Moreover, it is recommended to prefer a shower to a bath: To conserve water that can reach even 75 percent.

Among other suggestions is to avoid to wash their car (best washing accredited, and anyway, in those cases, you must use a bucket and the hose directly connected to the tap.

should pay a bit 'of attention even the plants that are watered in the evening and with a little water.

same technique for washing the salad, vegetables in general, and especially courses: better fill a container and use tap water only for rinsing.

Finally should be checked for proper operation of facilities: a loss or a dripping tap leading to the waste of thousands of gallons of water and a lot of money.

Here is specifically what the points of the handbook for the correct use of water, we report verbatim:


1. C LOSE the tap while we do the shampoo, brushing your teeth or shave it.

avoid using water unnecessarily is the main source of savings.

The tap of the bath has a capacity of more than 10 liters per minute: If we leave it open while you shave or you lather, more than 30 liters of drinking water are wasted and most come with the filter without there is no need.

When you shave it is appropriate to collect water in the sink to clean the razor, a tap does not increase the efficiency of shaving. While rub the hair with the shampoo should close the tap, you will avoid unnecessary and costly waste.

2. A dripping tap wastes thousands of gallons of water.

From a simple calculation shows that the rate of 90 drops per minute will waste 4,000 gallons of water a year.

then check the box of water faucets or have a loss.

In this regard, during the night we put a small container under the faucet (without stopping the discharge), after a few hours we will see if there are minimum losses.

Before going to sleep, you can pour the water into the box, a vial of food coloring (which is washable and does not do any harm). We will have a damaging loss if the morning is colored, the walls of water or water on the bottom.

remember that proper maintenance of the taps at home saves water and money.

3. Use a water discharge permits that regulate the flow of water, can save tens of thousands of liters per year.

For more than 30% of the water we consume in our homes comes from the exhaust of Water and whenever you press that button unload about 10-12 liters of water, often for no reason and just for the paper.

Installing a cistern with dual key, or a flow regulator capable of delivering a different amount of water, as needed, can save tens of thousands of gallons of water in one year.

4. We always use a washing machine and dishwasher with full load.

In this way you will use less water and less energy.

Gli elettrodomestici sopra indicati consumano molta acqua ad ogni lavaggio (circa 80-120 litri), indipendentemente dal carico di panni e stoviglie.

Basta usarli solo quando è necessario, e sempre a pieno carico, per avere un notevole risparmio sia di acqua che di energia.

Nei libretti per le istruzioni viene indicata la portata massima (kg di biancheria o numero di stoviglie), utilizziamo tali istruzioni come regola per il loro caricamento.

Se riduciamo i lavaggi, oltre al risparmio di acqua e di energia, quindi, faremo in modo che i nostri elettrodomestici durino più a lungo.

5. Non laviamo spesso l´auto ed in quelle occasioni usiamo il secchio.

Riserviamo all´acqua potabile un destino migliore.

Ricordiamo che ad ogni lavaggio si utilizzano circa 100 litri di acqua.

Quando è possibile riduciamo i lavaggi e usiamo sempre il secchio invece dell´acqua corrente, ci consente di sprecare meno acqua e, aver risparmiato acqua sarà, di certo, il nostro miglior risultato.

6. Alle piante servono molte cure, non molta acqua.

water the garden sparingly and always in the evening

At sunset the water evaporates more slowly and is not wasted, but absorbed by the earth.

add plenty of mulch will protect your plants from drought and dall'arsura.

When can collect rainwater.

remember that there are less thirsty plants for the garden (plants xerofile, that lovers of dry weather) and install a system irrigation "drip" programmable timer, our plants will have the right to ration water and also the bill will derive great benefit.

7. mount a jet-can save us up to 50% water.

The jet-are simple devices that decrease the amount of water leaving the faucet without lowering the yield east.

only costs a few euro and you can buy at any hardware store, are easily assembled in minutes on the taps in the bathroom and kitchen.

A small economic sacrifice that, certainly in the future will be good to our pockets.

8. To wash dishes or vegetables fill a container, use running water only for rinsing.

If you need to wash vegetables to prepare the meal, remember that you do not get a good wash, flush with ample water, but filling a bowl and soak the vegetables thoroughly and vigorously rubbing them with your hands.

Similarly when washing dishes, fill a basin of warm water with detergent.

Let the dishes soak for a bit 'of time and take away the dirt with a sponge.

let's use the water only for rinsing.

Savings are insured.

9. using the shower can save up to 75%.

a bath is certainly relaxing, but it takes well over 150 liters of water.

We try to choose the shower, which requires much less water (on average 40 / 50 liters) and remember to turn off the water as we soaped.

If we use, then, a glove of horsehair, the shower is equally invigorating and revitalizing.

If you install a flow reducer in the shower, the savings will be even greater.

choose the shower and save water.

10. Check the meter valve is closed.

A leak in the pipes can cost a lot.

Before going to sleep, controlliamo che tutti i rubinetti siano ben chiusi e leggiamo sul contatore dell´acqua il livello di consumo raggiunto.

Al mattino controlliamo di nuovo quanto segna il contatore.

Una minima differenza significa che c´è una perdita che, non solo spreca acqua inutilmente (un foro di un millimetro in un tubo perde oltre 2.300 litri d´acqua potabile al giorno), ma potrebbe causare danni peggiori alle strutture dell’abitazione danneggiando muri, solai e rivestimenti.

Adottando questi small steps will get a great benefit, economically.

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On the day of 25 September 2007, the inefficiency of the company ACEA ATO 5 (administrator of the Department for water service) in the town of Sora reached abnormal levels, water was lacking in many of the homes in the city from 10:00 to 20:00 in the morning until the evening.

This situation obviously does not permit the normal course of daily household activities and has affected many citizens che si sono visti costretti a ricorrere ai sistemi più ingegnosi per lavarsi, cucinare , lavare piatti e abitazioni anche perché non preparati ad affrontare tale circostanza. Diversi cittadini ci hanno riferito che, non sapendo cosa fare, hanno chiamato il numero verde messo a disposizione dal gestore del servizio ma la risposta che gentilmente gli è stata data fa riferimento ad una “razionalizzazione dell’acqua”.

Visto che la società ACEA ATO 5 non ha emesso nessun avviso pubblico che giustificasse tale situazione,non potendo conoscere dettagliatamente lo stato di efficienza della rete potendoci water and do not explain how there can be a water shortage so much important that it must resort to the "rationalization of water", the Circle of Legambiente "Liri Valley" Sora asked officially to the company ACEA ATO 5 of set out clearly, through the print media and following the principles of They "Code of Ethics" (Articles 1, 2, 5; 12; 12.3 and 12.4):

· an apology for the disruption caused, without proper notice to all those who have suffered the consequences,

· una chiara ed esaustiva spiegazione ,sulla mancanza di pressione, che diventa inesistente nella zona del Centro Storico di Sora , del liquido a noi più indispensabile,

· la pianificazione delle spese contratte con la stipula della convenzione con il Comune di Sora nel 2003 e da effettuarsi entro il 2008.

Il Circolo non intende porsi in contrasto con la suddetta società ma si fa portavoce dell’esigenza di informazione e chiarimento dei cittadini circa questa situazione che rischia di diventare seria e preoccupante.

Cordiali saluti .

Dott. Daniele Conflitti

Presidente del Circolo “Valle del Liri”

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Open Letter to the problem Turbogas

Nello stabilimento Burgo in viale S. Domenico a Sora, in una zona densamente abitata, verrà istallata una Centrale a Turbogas con 48 MW di potenza che brucerà 84 milioni mc di gas metano. Il nuovo impianto produrrà una maggiore quantità di inquinanti responsabili di patologie importanti a carico dell’apparato respiratorio, allergie e tumori che colpiscono maggiormente bambini ed anziani. Avendo avuto modo di studiare il progetto dell’impianto citato, riportiamo i dati riguardanti i principali inquinanti atmosferici, siamo impossibilitati a citarne altri riguardanti inquinanti molto pericolosi ( PM 2,5 e Pm 0,1) perché non sono stati presi in considerazione dallo studio di impatto ambientale. Oggi, con il vecchio impianto, vengono prodotte 45 tonnellate di monossido di carbonio, in futuro ne saranno prodotte 148 tonnellate con un aumento del 300% circa, aumenteranno anche le polveri sottili, which will increase from about 4 tons per year to 11 tons, carbon dioxide will go from 100,915 to 165,836 tonnes produced annually. It is therefore of substantial increases. Sora, through Resolution No. 763 \\ 2003 the Lazio Region, is already classified as a municipality "at risk" in which must implement a Plan of Action for reduce the concentration of PM 10 in ' air, which is impossible because of lack of control devices, while Island is planned only for monitoring. "The study APHEA2 ha stu diato l’andamento del particolato in 29 città europee (incluse Milano, Torino e Roma) e ha rilevato un aumento dello 0,6% della mortalità per ogni incremento di PM10 di 10 microgrammi su mc. Per lo stesso incremento, sono aumentati i ricoveri non programmati per asma: dell’1,2%, nella fascia di età tra 0 e 14 anni e dell’1,1% nella fascia tra 15 e 65”.* La cautela e la massima vigilanza deve essere posta dalle Amministrazioni quando si apprestano ad autorizzare un impianto potenzialmente nocivo come quello della Turbogas. Questo ha la funzione di sostituire quello esistente, giudicato poco efficiente con un altro impianto molto più potente che oltre a coprire tutte le power needs energy Burgo paper mill, would also be a great deal of energy to put on the market. Regional and Provincial environment by the Department have reached important signals to meet the demands of environmental groups and the population. While, with regard to the towns of Sora and Isola del Liri apparently has not been any comments submitted on time by the Law on the contrary, in an official occasion last August Councillor Stone that has been delegated to environmental issues has reported that they had reviewed the project and that would be activated to ask the Province. It 'an aspect of the story to be clarified, in no Sora posizionate le centraline di rilevamento degli inquinati atmosferici, non esiste l’Ufficio del Traffico, non esiste un monitoraggio sanitario per i danni ambientali, né una situazione “ante opera” del Turbogas e l’assessore ad agosto non ha ancora visionato il progetto. Una situazione di estrema leggerezza amministrativa, perché mancano gli elementi di controllo e le garanzie adeguate per salvaguardare la salute della popolazione. In definitiva,l’iter finora seguito si scontra con quel principio di cautela che deve ispirare l’azione amministrativa. Per questo sarà necessario avviare un tavolo di confronto provinciale che coinvolga oltre agli amministratori, anche le associazioni ambientaliste, dei consumatori, i unions, etc. ..

We invite all citizens to join us and give us strength, we must leave our children a better world than we found.

The Pres Club Legambiente "Liri Valley"

Daniel Conflicts

PS: * Source - Conference "Air pollution, health and environmental policy decisions." First session. Milan February 19, 2003.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cat Drooling And Blood In Stools

This blog closes

Come avrete notato, era da un pò che questo blog non veniva aggiornato.
Un pò per le vacanze, un pò per la penuria di notizie, ma soprattutto per la mancanza di originalità rispetto agli altri blog, non trovavo una motivazione valida per esporre i miei pensieri sulla Cavese, dal momento che faccio ciò, felicemente e da tempo, ormai, sul muro di
Infine, spulciando in rete, ho appreso della nascita di altri blog inerenti alle questioni di casa aquilotta.
Alcuni blog, questo compreso, si somigliano troppo, quasi fossero l'uno fotocopia dell'altro.
Tanto vale smettere e dare più ampio risalto a chi ha voglia, tempo e collaborazioni da poter sfruttare: non è mio costume fare dei facsimile, unnecessary, among others.
be clear, my position is entirely personal: they can not provide information, and we can not guarantee, because time is never enough, to notify insights that go beyond the acquisition of Tom and Harry, you might as well close everything.
I will return to the stadium just to cheer, and deliver me from the bondage having to document with the digital images of the highlights of the meetings Cavese.

I almost am happy.

Sincere good luck to the other bloggers Caves, and a special mention goes to JDA, which, though in tones too direct, had long denounced the standardization of information
on the blue-Fons.
You were right.

Hello, and thank you.

Force Cavese, always!

Friday, August 10, 2007

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Engaged Panarelli

immediately runs for cover Nicole Dionisio : this is the signal that emerges from the assignment of the right-side defender Luigi Panarelli, that will compete with Pierotti (unconvincing in the early summer releases with the blue jacket-Fons ) for the jersey number 2.

Class '76, a native of Taranto, the quarterback has gained experience with the best of Naples, Florentia Viola, Torino, Taranto Teramo and all, changing from series A to C2.

In recent years, the name of Panarelli è stato più accostato al gossip che al mondo del calcio: famosa, ormai, la sua "fuga d'amore" dal ritiro dell'Avellino per presenziare ad una puntata del Grande Fratello dove ufficializzò la proposta di matrimonio alla sua fidanzata, concorrente, per appunto, del reality condotto dalla Marcuzzi.
Fuga che gli costò l'esclusione dalla rosa della squadra irpina.

Nella scorsa stagione, alcune dichiarazioni infelici rilasciate a delle emittenti tarantine mandarono su tutte le furie i tifosi della Salernitana, squadra che da poco aveva ingaggiato il calciatore, costringendo il presidente granata Lombardi a rescindergli il contratto.

Che Cava e la Cavese rappresentino per il calciatore un'occasione di rivalsa for the last year from football a little disappointing.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

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Here is the schedule of Purchased Cavese

The Day: CAVES -Pro Sesto ( went August 26, 2007 / return December 16, 2007)
Day II: Citadel- CAVES ( went September 2, 2007 / return December 23, 2007)
Day III: CAVES -Cremonese ( went September 9, 2007 / return January 13, 2008)
Day IV: Manfredonia- CAVES ( Forward September 16, 2007 / return January 20, 2008)
Fifth Day: CAVES -Verona ( went September 23, 2007 / return February 3, 2008)
Day VI: Pro-Patria CAVES ( went September 30, 2007 / return February 10, 2008)
Day VII: Foligno- CAVES ( went October 7, 2007 / RETURN or February 17, 2008)
Day VIII: CAVES -Sassuolo ( went October 14, 2007 / return February 24, 2008)
IX Day: Venice CAVES ( went October 21, 2007 / return March 9, 2008)
X Day: CAVES -Foggia ( went October 28, 2007 / return March 16, 2008)
Day XI : CAVES -Monza ( went November 1, 2007 / return March 22, 2008)
Day XII: Novara- CAVES ( went November 4, 2007 / return March 30, 2008)
XIII Day: CAVES -Ternana ( went November 11, 2007 / return April 6, 2008)
Day XIV : Legnano- CAVES ( went November 18, 2007 / return April 13, 2008)
Youth Day : CAVES -Lecco ( went November 25, 2007 / return April 20, 2008)
Day XVI: Paganese- CAVES ( went December 2, 2007 / return April 27, 2008)
Day XVII: CAVES -Padova ( went December 9, 2007 / return May 4, 2008)

Click here for the complete schedule of Serie C1 / A 2007/2008

Friday, August 3, 2007

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The SS Cavese 1919 and his sporting director, Nicolas Denys, announce the purchase by Giulianova midfielder Daniele Scartozzi (pictured). Born in

Bellante (TE) 09/08/1983 (height 175 cm, weight 71 kg), Scartozzi eagle has signed a contract with the company for three years.

Scartozzi has played the last 3 seasons with the Giulianova in C1 (2004/2005, 20 admissions, 2005/2006, 28 caps, 2006/2007, 23 appearances, 1 goal). At Giulianova the player has arrived in January 2004 from the Grosseto (C2). During his career, including a championship (2002/2003) with Pescara in Serie C1.

Scartozzi reach already this evening's withdrawal Montefiascone, to be brought immediately available to Mr. Cioffi.

source: official site Cavese Football

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

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D'Amico: s'ammaina last flag

that in football there were no more flags, I had realized by now, for some time.
Yet, like any self-respecting love story, the ending of a romance always leaves a bitter taste, and lots and lots of disbelief.
And, again, as the end of a great love, the torments advance, regrets ("you could do better", "should not end like this" or "we could still hold hard") of what could be done but not was done.
So it was between management and eagles Tony D'Amico that, today, officially, not only is no longer a flag of the Caves, but it is not even a player.
arrived five years ago, amid general indifference, from Chieti, Tony D'Amico with the first sum and then, after the interregnum of Castellucci, especially Campilongo has fallen steadily, thanks to his dedication, key player in the arena training Eaglet, managed to collect well 153 admissions (and 7 goals).
In modern football, however, the numbers are like gossip, to zero.
an argument (apparently, very bright) between the player and the new coach Renato Cioffi laid down a completely unexpected divorce, which has divided supporters eaglet into two factions: one headed by the rigidity of the new coach, who seems to have wanted to preserve the unity of the group, while the other, which is modeled on the fiery player, always appreciated by the public for the love of faith Metelliana visceral with which, every Sunday, he wore the blue jacket-Fons.

The impression is that the family-Cavese has lost a great opportunity to show that, by not trying (perhaps to excess) the composition of the fracture welcoming the prodigal son come to his senses, with the result to regroup and recharge and team environment.
The impression is that Tony wanted to become a performer of some discontent about corporate behavior licensed to some of the "old guard" (see Mancinelli, downloaded because "after three years a goalie no longer offers the same guarantees "), expressing, however, his disappointment in this way too energetic.
The history of the band, presumably, is just the tip of an iceberg whose constitution is not given to us to know.

will remain, I hope, affection towards this play by everyone, even those who in these days have not spared attacks free man D'Amico : If the flags do not exist anymore, it's also a little our fault, big kids now all too jaded that we no longer believe in their existence.

Good luck for the future, Tony: I'll hope this space, as in the press release that officially sanctioned this separation, hath been systematically avoided went on to wish you a bright career, alas, far away from those colors that I am now, and I know, your second skin.
that our streets can be re-breeding.
Hello Captain!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

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Too (Cioffi) ... dence

Being too (Cioffi) duciosi sometimes not enough.
A historical piece, storicissimo, leaving the Caves: Tony D'Amico or abandon the withdrawal of Montefiascone evening, and tomorrow, or Monday to massimo, non sarà più un giocatore della Cavese.
A meno di, a questo punto improbabili, ricuciture dell'improvviso strappo creatosi tra il calciatore nativo della provincia di Pescara ed il neo allenatore aquilotto Renato Cioffi .
Secondo indiscrezioni, lo screzio avrebbe avuto inizio nella giornata di Mercoledì quando, durante l'amichevole (persa per 2 reti ad1) contro la Viterbese, la fascia di capitano era andata ad Alberto Nocerino.
Giustamente risentito, il capitano di diritto Tony D'Amico avrebbe chiesto legitttime spiegazioni al tecnico, il quale a sua volta non avrebbe manifestato al calciatore quella fiducia che Tony avrebbe (a ragione) preteso dopo i lunghi trascorsi con la maglia blu-fonsè. Not even the intervention of the peacemaker
ds Nicola Dionisio and President Antonio Fariello served to calm the tone, which, indeed, it would be illuminated, leading to the decision recently published on the official website of Cavese.
likely destination seems to be the player's power, even if the Foggia Campilongo could groped the blow.

personal note.

writer, has never expressed in this blog space, thoughts, trying to make information accessible only to those who love Cavese.
This time I'll make a small exception to the rule: if the reasons they should be just citate (e le fonti sono abbastanza certe), qui si rischia una grossa frattura tra tecnico, squadra, società e tifoseria.
Vada per Mancinelli, Tatomir, Arno, Volpecina: ma Tony non si tocca, sarebbe davvero troppo.
Che la notte porti consiglio, a tutte le parti chiamate in causa.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

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in biancoblu Riccio, Albano at Melfi

Proprio ieri sera, durante una trasmissione televisiva, Nicola Dionisio aveva evidenziato la necessità, per la Cavese, di acquistare un altro centrocampista (nella prima giornata di campionato, tra l'altro, mancheranno per squalifica Alfano e D'Amico ).
Detto fatto: Vincenzo Riccio approda Cioffi's Court, after three years spent in Irpinia, and after so much experience in Serie B with the mesh in Cosenza, Pistoia and Siena.
contract on him.

Vincenzo Ricca

PERSONAL DATA Place of Birth: Brusciano (Na)
Date of Birth: 10/01/1974
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 72kg

9 0
C1 2004/2005
2003/2004 BENEVENTO
15 1 B
2002/2003 SIENA
30 1 B
2001/2002 PISTOIESE
33 1 B
2000/2001 COSENZA
9 0 B
2000/2001 PISTOIESE
17 1 B
1999/2000 COSENZA
30 1 B 1998/1999

2 C1 1997/1998 COSENZA 34
0 B 1996/1997 COSENZA 24
0 B 1995/1996 COSENZA 21
0 B 1994/1995 FIDELIS AND.22
1992/1993 AVELLINO 3 0
greets the party, however, Albano
Diego, last year spent between Caves (a network for him, at home and on a penalty kick against Manfredonia) and Nocerina in C2, which accaso outright at Melfi, in search Best of luck. Good luck Diego!