Il giorno 19 Dicembre si è tenuto l'incontro tra il Presidente del Circolo Legambiente Valle del Liri di Sora, Daniele Conflitti, e i massimi rappresentanti dell’ ACEA ATO5 : l’ Amministratore Delegato Luca Matrecano, il Direttore Generale Stefano Tempesta, e lo staff dei Responsabili Tecnici.
L' oggetto dell’incontro è stato quello di trovare una possibile and realistic solution, at very short notice, to solve the problem of lack of water at Sora. Legambiente gave voice to all the right grievances of citizens against Sorani Manager who is mobilized to fulfill our requirements identified the following actions to limit the disruption and to maximize water redistribution:
1. connection inside the tank to feed Ravo, part of the users of the water system is currently supplied from the reservoir of S. Antonio Forletta. The operation is executed immediately;
2. interconnection network of water distribution between the tanks and Ravo S. Antonio Forletta and construction of the raise. This intervention will give the possibility to optimize the distribution and supply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe city center;
3. consequences will be taken all steps to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources currently available through optimization of the closure of tanks and cutting maneuvers networks;
4. losses continue research activities both in artifacts and well network to detect hidden leaks. Activities that led to a recovery in the last period of approximately 8 l \\ s.
5. Installation of the Frangi jet in all public places and schools, this system saves about 40% water that comes from the taps.
The manager reiterated that the current water crisis is leading to a reduction in the territory of Sora about 50% of the capacity of water resources (wells Carpello currently provide about 125 l \\ s of water compared to 240 in rated conditions.
Such statements have been signed by the CEO but for obtaining more information on status of the wells that feed the water supply has been asked to participate in an inspection on the well Legambiente Carpello to establish if the water shortage is actually so important.
Legambiente however careful to point out that even in of drought, water is always present at Sora and then this situation is also due to the poor state of pipelines.
Respondents were asked the Investment Plan for the recovery of losses and Sora has found that in 2007 approximately € 1,063,000 was spent between work done, and assigned to be carried out.
"At the end of it, says Daniel Conflict-I want to emphasize that the meeting was done, although demonstrating the will of the manager to solve the problems that weigh on Sora, I was not satisfied and fully convinced, I will not be quiet until I am certain that at every house there is clean drinking water in every hour of the day and night. The application of jet Frangi on public taps is very important and will avoid further waste but
The Pres Club Legambiente "Liri Valley"
Daniel Conflicts
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