the undersigned Daniel Conflicts, CF CNFDNL80M31I838Y, born in Sora, and business address at Via Branca No 6, as President and legal representative of the Legambiente Liri Valley, states as follows:
for almost two months the flow of water in domestic dwellings in some areas of the town of Sora, does not exist for the Most the day and in some areas, Old Town, close to zero from 9:00 am to 22:00 pm.
The hours in which citizens can make use of the water service has been reduced further in recent days as the pressure was further reduced flow.
This situation has been exposed to us through the printed map, receiving as justification for such failure, the necessary rationalization of water flow, caused by low water flow of the springs.
Since communication ACEA ATO 5 was neither quotation, or clarification about the current situation, given the continuing that state of emergency, since there are hundreds of people to suffer, because there are areas (in the same town of the writer), in which this rationalization is not made :
want to investigate the actual compliance:
· and fulfillments of the requirements of this guideline Technical adopted by ACEA ATO 5;
· delle tariffe applicate alla bollettazione;
· della Convenzione sottoscritta con il Comune di Sora per la gestione del servizio idrico integrato;
· del Codice Etico della già citata società .
The Pres Club Legambiente "Liri Valley"
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