DECALOGUE Water saving «Basta adottare alcuni semplici accorgimenti o soltanto variare alcuni nostri comportamenti, per ridurre sprechi e consumi e, conseguentemente, evitare salassi all’arrivo delle bollette».
Lo sostiene l’Ufficio Tutela del Consumatore del Comune di Catania che attraverso il Responsabile Francesco Tanasi intende sensibilizzare gli utenti ad un corretto utilizzo del bene primario per la sopravvivenza dell’umanità.
For these reasons, it was drawn up a set of guidelines, on which it begins by suggesting the use of water saving devices, such as flow regulators for taps for water or jet-which may even lead to a saving of 50 per cent of water.
There are also practical guidance, but simple to implement daily. Like, for example, use washing machines and dishwashers always fully loaded, turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, do you shave or shampoo.
Moreover, it is recommended to prefer a shower to a bath: To conserve water that can reach even 75 percent.
Among other suggestions is to avoid to wash their car (best washing accredited, and anyway, in those cases, you must use a bucket and the hose directly connected to the tap.
should pay a bit 'of attention even the plants that are watered in the evening and with a little water.
same technique for washing the salad, vegetables in general, and especially courses: better fill a container and use tap water only for rinsing.
Finally should be checked for proper operation of facilities: a loss or a dripping tap leading to the waste of thousands of gallons of water and a lot of money.
Here is specifically what the points of the handbook for the correct use of water, we report verbatim:
1. C LOSE the tap while we do the shampoo, brushing your teeth or shave it.
avoid using water unnecessarily is the main source of savings.
The tap of the bath has a capacity of more than 10 liters per minute: If we leave it open while you shave or you lather, more than 30 liters of drinking water are wasted and most come with the filter without there is no need.
When you shave it is appropriate to collect water in the sink to clean the razor, a tap does not increase the efficiency of shaving. While rub the hair with the shampoo should close the tap, you will avoid unnecessary and costly waste.
2. A dripping tap wastes thousands of gallons of water.
From a simple calculation shows that the rate of 90 drops per minute will waste 4,000 gallons of water a year.
then check the box of water faucets or have a loss.
In this regard, during the night we put a small container under the faucet (without stopping the discharge), after a few hours we will see if there are minimum losses.
Before going to sleep, you can pour the water into the box, a vial of food coloring (which is washable and does not do any harm). We will have a damaging loss if the morning is colored, the walls of water or water on the bottom.
remember that proper maintenance of the taps at home saves water and money.
3. Use a water discharge permits that regulate the flow of water, can save tens of thousands of liters per year.
For more than 30% of the water we consume in our homes comes from the exhaust of Water and whenever you press that button unload about 10-12 liters of water, often for no reason and just for the paper.
Installing a cistern with dual key, or a flow regulator capable of delivering a different amount of water, as needed, can save tens of thousands of gallons of water in one year.
4. We always use a washing machine and dishwasher with full load.
In this way you will use less water and less energy.
Gli elettrodomestici sopra indicati consumano molta acqua ad ogni lavaggio (circa 80-120 litri), indipendentemente dal carico di panni e stoviglie.
Basta usarli solo quando è necessario, e sempre a pieno carico, per avere un notevole risparmio sia di acqua che di energia.
Nei libretti per le istruzioni viene indicata la portata massima (kg di biancheria o numero di stoviglie), utilizziamo tali istruzioni come regola per il loro caricamento.
Se riduciamo i lavaggi, oltre al risparmio di acqua e di energia, quindi, faremo in modo che i nostri elettrodomestici durino più a lungo.
5. Non laviamo spesso l´auto ed in quelle occasioni usiamo il secchio.
Riserviamo all´acqua potabile un destino migliore.
Ricordiamo che ad ogni lavaggio si utilizzano circa 100 litri di acqua.
Quando è possibile riduciamo i lavaggi e usiamo sempre il secchio invece dell´acqua corrente, ci consente di sprecare meno acqua e, aver risparmiato acqua sarà, di certo, il nostro miglior risultato.
6. Alle piante servono molte cure, non molta acqua.
water the garden sparingly and always in the evening
At sunset the water evaporates more slowly and is not wasted, but absorbed by the earth.
add plenty of mulch will protect your plants from drought and dall'arsura.
When can collect rainwater.
remember that there are less thirsty plants for the garden (plants xerofile, that lovers of dry weather) and install a system irrigation "drip" programmable timer, our plants will have the right to ration water and also the bill will derive great benefit.
7. mount a jet-can save us up to 50% water.
The jet-are simple devices that decrease the amount of water leaving the faucet without lowering the yield east.
only costs a few euro and you can buy at any hardware store, are easily assembled in minutes on the taps in the bathroom and kitchen.
A small economic sacrifice that, certainly in the future will be good to our pockets.
8. To wash dishes or vegetables fill a container, use running water only for rinsing.
If you need to wash vegetables to prepare the meal, remember that you do not get a good wash, flush with ample water, but filling a bowl and soak the vegetables thoroughly and vigorously rubbing them with your hands.
Similarly when washing dishes, fill a basin of warm water with detergent.
Let the dishes soak for a bit 'of time and take away the dirt with a sponge.
let's use the water only for rinsing.
Savings are insured.
9. using the shower can save up to 75%.
a bath is certainly relaxing, but it takes well over 150 liters of water.
We try to choose the shower, which requires much less water (on average 40 / 50 liters) and remember to turn off the water as we soaped.
If we use, then, a glove of horsehair, the shower is equally invigorating and revitalizing.
If you install a flow reducer in the shower, the savings will be even greater.
choose the shower and save water.
10. Check the meter valve is closed.
A leak in the pipes can cost a lot.
Before going to sleep, controlliamo che tutti i rubinetti siano ben chiusi e leggiamo sul contatore dell´acqua il livello di consumo raggiunto.
Al mattino controlliamo di nuovo quanto segna il contatore.
Una minima differenza significa che c´è una perdita che, non solo spreca acqua inutilmente (un foro di un millimetro in un tubo perde oltre 2.300 litri d´acqua potabile al giorno), ma potrebbe causare danni peggiori alle strutture dell’abitazione danneggiando muri, solai e rivestimenti.
Adottando questi small steps will get a great benefit, economically.